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Cargo of companies sponsoring the war bypasses the blockade and goes to Ukraine out of turn

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Cargo of companies sponsoring the war bypasses the blockade and goes to Ukraine out of turn
Cargo of companies sponsoring the war bypasses the blockade and goes to Ukraine out of turn

Our drivers caught truck, which was carrying 14 tons of Nestle coffee, and which the Poles took out of line and past the checkpoint.

But it turns out that this was not an accidental story, but a systematic work of Ozygalo and her companies. The day before the coffee truck, two more trucks of her “Mamex sp. zo.o" also crossed the border out of turn.

I also wrote about them, but now I have documents.

All three vehicles were carrying cargo from Nestle, which is recognized in Ukraine as a sponsor of the war. Here is a link to the NAPC decision .

And if the first truck was carrying 14 tons of Nestle coffee, the other two were carrying 20 and 21 tons of pet food.

The first truck “Mamex sp. zo.o left the Nestle plant in France on February 9, and the second on February 13. But already on February 19, registration at the blocked Yagodin checkpoint was simultaneously completed.

And this is taking into account that since February 18, the Yahodyn settlement was blocked by the Poles, even for humanitarian and military cargo. And it was Edita Ozygalo’s personal trucks who was responsible for his blockade, to whom this did not concern.
Isn’t that interesting?

In addition to Mamex sp. zo.o”, registered in the name of her mother Regina Macchio, the two of them also own the transport company KMS LOGISTYKA SPÓŁKA. Well, PEO-Trans sp. was registered in Edita Ozygalo’s name. 

After yesterday’s report, Polish carriers, who are openly outraged by how the organizers of the blockade are stupidly making money, said that for such VIP flights, Ozygalo companies charged 9,000 euros per flight in December 2023, with the market price being 3,000 euros.

And this is far from the only pool of Polish companies that openly block the border for their own enrichment. There is also a mysterious company called Angela, which generally crosses the border in caravans, and which I will tell you about tomorrow.

It seems to me that all this information is important for our negotiators with the Government of Poland.

Topics: NestleNAPCProtestEdita OzygalaBorderUkraine

Article author:
Yevhen Plynskyi
All the author's articles

Date and time 22 February 2024 г., 15:21     Views Views: 5105
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