ANTIKOR — national anti-corruption portal
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Privacy and personal data protection policy

General provisions

The site ("Website") is managed by the editorial team of the "Antikor" Internet portal ("Portal"), which is governed and operated in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of Ukraine.

The Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy ("Policy") was created and published in order to ensure the rights and freedoms of the Site visitors, as well as to avoid the unlawful use of personal data and other information protected by the current legislation of Ukraine.

This Policy contains information about the processing of personal data by the Portal, the types of personal data collected, the purposes of using such personal data, the interaction of the Portal with third parties, security measures to protect personal data, the conditions for access to personal data, as well as contact information for the user to access, amend, block or delete their personal data and address any questions that users of the Site may have regarding the practice of personal data protection.

Personal data collection and use

The owner and administrator of personal data of the Website users is the editorial team of the "Antikor" Internet portal.

When the user uses the services of the Website, the Portal processes the user’s data, namely: - information provided by the user both when filling out the registration form on the Website and in the process of using the services; - cookies; - IP addresses; - parameters and settings of Internet browsers (User-agent).

The Portal collects only those personal data that are knowingly and voluntarily provided by users as owners of personal data solely for the purpose of using the Website services, which, in accordance with the requirements of the law, is the consent of the personal data subject to the processing of their personal data in accordance with the purpose of their processing set out in this Policy.

When visiting the Website, logins to the system of registered users are recorded. Other information on user traffic is not processed or stored.

The Portal collects only the personal data necessary for the correct operation of the Website and provision of access to the services available on it.

The Portal collects data on statistics of visits to the Website. The data may contain information about the connection, traffic, user’s browser, as well as the date, time, duration of work on the Internet and stay on the Website. 

Personal data processing

The processing and storage of the provided personal data is carried out in data centres where the equipment that ensures the functioning of the Website services is located. The provided personal data is processed and may be stored in the Personal Database or a separate table of the Website Database.

Personal data use purposes

Personal data of users is used to ensure the provision of the Website services, exchange of information, advertising and communication solely to the extent necessary to fulfil these purposes. The Portal is governed by and uses the personal data of users in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine, laws of Ukraine, ratified international agreements and secondary legislation regulating these areas.

Terms and conditions of personal data storage

The processing of personal data of users is carried out without any time limit, in any legal way, including in information systems for processing/storing personal data with or without the use of automation tools.

If the user deletes his/her account on the Website, the user’s personal data shall no longer be processed and shall be deleted.

Website interaction with third parties and external services

When the user uses the services, the content of Internet resources and third parties may be displayed on the pages of the Website. As a result of the transition to these resources (for example, advertising banners, links to pages in social networks, links to the original source of information, etc.), the Portal is not responsible for the collection, processing and legality of the use of personal data of users.

Such Internet resources may include:

  • advertising display systems;
  • social networking plugins (for example, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.);
  • messenger plugins (Telegram, WhatsApp, etc.).

Separately, the Website uses analytics and statistics services that may have access to personal data of users only to the extent necessary to perform these functions.

If the user does not want these services to have access to his/her personal data, the user may log out of his/her account or profile at his/her own request.

Confidentiality of user activity on the Website

Information about the activity (traffic) on the Website of users passing through the network or the user’s e-mail is protected in accordance with the law.

Personal data protection

The Portal uses generally accepted standards of technological and operational protection of information and personal data from loss, misuse, alteration or destruction.

The Portal ensures the application of all relevant confidentiality obligations, as well as technical and organisational security measures to prevent unauthorised or unlawful disclosure or processing of such information and data, their accidental loss, destruction or damage.

The dissemination of personal data without the consent of the personal data subject or his/her authorised person is prohibited, except in cases established by the applicable law.

The user has the right to receive any information solely within the limits related to his/her personal data, provided that a request is sent with the surname, name and patronymic, place of residence (stay), details of the document that, in accordance with the applicable law, allow the applicant to identify the applicant’s identity.  The user’s access to data about himself/herself is free of charge.

The decision to refuse to provide personal data or information about personal data available on the website is made in case of non-compliance with the requirements for the request, provision of false or erroneous information, or an appeal regarding an unauthorised user.

The portal responds to a duly received request within 5 business days. In exceptional cases, the response period may be extended with the provision of information to the user about the reasons for the extension.

Personal data user’s rights

The portal guarantees its users all the rights provided for by the Law of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection" and other regulatory legal acts valid on the territory of Ukraine.

Requests for personal data are considered by receiving relevant requests to the following e-mail address:

Obligations of the parties

The User agrees to:

  • provide correct and truthful information about personal data necessary for correct processing in accordance with the provisions of the Policy;
  • take measures to protect access to their personal data contained in the personal user profile registered on the Website.

The Portal is obliged to:

  • use the User’s personal data exclusively for the specified purposes within the framework of this Privacy Policy;
  • not to disclose the User’s personal data, except as provided for in this Privacy Policy and the current legislation of Ukraine.

Amendments to the Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy

This Policy may be amended without prior notice to the user.

In the event of material changes to this Policy, the Company will post a notice on the Website and indicate the date on which these changes will come into force. Significant changes in the context of this Policy shall be understood as changes that significantly affect or may affect the process of collecting, processing and using personal data. If the user does not refuse to accept them in writing within the specified period, it means that the user agrees to the relevant changes to the Policy.

Dispute resolution

All disputes arising from the matters regulated by this Policy shall be resolved by sending a claim (written proposal for voluntary settlement of the dispute) and providing a response to it within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of its receipt.

In case of impossibility to resolve disputes through negotiations, disputes shall be resolved in court in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.  

Final provisions

By registering on the Website, the user confirms that he/she is an adult, legally capable person and agrees to the collection and processing of personal data in accordance with the provisions of the current legislation of Ukraine and this Policy.

Issues not regulated by this Privacy Policy shall be resolved in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.

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21 September 2024 y.

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