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The notorious Yuriy Ivanyushchenko is served by the German consul

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The notorious Yuriy Ivanyushchenko is served by the German consul
The notorious Yuriy Ivanyushchenko is served by the German consul

The Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany in Odesa, Oleksandr Kifak, signed a contract to service the companies of People’s Deputy Yuriy Ivanyushchenko, better known as Yuriy Yenakiyevskyi.

This information was published on the website of Kifak’s law firm “ANK”.

According to the information, the German consul’s firm provides legal services to the Odessa market “7th kilometer”, which belongs to Yuriy Ivanyushchenko.

“ANK has begun providing legal support for the development program of the industrial goods market “7 km,” says the website of Kifak’s firm.

It is reported that the first item on the company’s list of tasks is “development of new territories by the market”, as well as popularization of the “7 km” brand in Ukraine and beyond.

Ivanyushchenko’s contract with the German consul’s firm may be conditioned by an attempt to obtain European support in the legal battles in which "7th Kilometer" finds itself today.

As is known, the procedure of returning the market to its rightful owners is currently underway. The State Executive Service of Ukraine has seized the accounts and property of the market.

Earlier, in April, the European Union’s Foreign Affairs Council imposed sanctions on former Ukrainian officials and MPs. Among them was Party of Regions MP Yuriy Ivanyushchenko.


Topics: Oleksandr KifakANK Law Firm7 KilometreOdesaYuriy Yenakiyevskyi

Date and time 06 June 2014 г., 15:07     Views Views: 3894
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