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Former head of the Kyiv Regional Council Nataliya Hunko accrued millions to herself during the occupation of the Kyiv region

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Former head of the Kyiv Regional Council Nataliya Hunko accrued millions to herself during the occupation of the Kyiv region
Former head of the Kyiv Regional Council Nataliya Hunko accrued millions to herself during the occupation of the Kyiv region

The former head of the Kyiv Regional Council, Nataliya Hunko, hid on the Western border during the occupation of the Kyiv region and received a salary of 1 million hryvnia.

Nataliya Hunko, known throughout the Kiev region thanks to her corrupt husband, MP Anatoliy Hunko, during the war, despite her million-dollar fortune, was able to steal several million hryvnias from the taxpayers of the Kyiv region in the form of salaries for herself and her entourage.

For January-April 2023 alone, “servant of the people” Hunko calculated her salary and payments to be almost 500 thousand hryvnia.

Nataliya also arranged for her personal lawyer, Taras Lavrynenko, to take a leadership position. In 2023, at the time of his dismissal (May 2023), while holding the position of head of the legal department of the executive office of the Kyiv Regional Council, he received payments in the amount of 613 thousand hryvnia.

Earlier, in 2022, during the occupation of the Kyiv region, Nataliya Hunko paid her lawyer 1.075 million hryvnia.

It is unknown what amount could have been transferred to the top, but you must agree that receiving such payments from the head of the Kyiv Regional Council, and even during the war, looks, to put it mildly, too suspicious.

Nataliya Ivanivna herself earned 1.1 million hryvnia in 2022, hiding in an estate in Western Ukraine.

It should be noted that the salary of an ordinary worker at that time was no more than 15 thousand hryvnia per month.

In addition, Nataliya Hunko’s personal analyst, Inessa Didus, who was hired as the head of the department for parliamentary activities and work with standing committees of the executive office of the Kyiv Regional Council, received almost 400 thousand hryvnias for January-May 2023.

In 2022, Didus earned 735 thousand hryvnia.

Topics: CorruptionSalaryOccupationKyiv regionNataliya Hunko

Date and time 12 August 2024 г., 11:04     Views Views: 1952
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