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Lubinets spoke about the real number of children who are in the temporarily occupied territories

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Lubinets spoke about the real number of children who are in the temporarily occupied territories
Lubinets spoke about the real number of children who are in the temporarily occupied territories

In the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine currently live more than 1.5 million Ukrainian children. Russian occupiers regularly take minors away, and the number of deported children is currently impossible to determine.

This was reported by the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada, Dmytro Lubinets, at the Summit of First Ladies and Gentlemen. He emphasized that the official number of deported Ukrainian children today is 19,546, but no one can provide the exact figure.

"One and a half million Ukrainian children living under Russian occupation. Every day, every Ukrainian child is under the threat of deportation," Lubinets emphasized.

"Last month, more than a thousand Ukrainian children from the temporarily occupied Kherson region were sent for ’rehabilitation’ to Russia’s Kabardino-Balkaria. And we don’t know how many of them will return from there," said the ombudsman.


Topics: OccupationChildrenDmytro Lubinets

Date and time 12 September 2024 г., 22:37     Views Views: 1781
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