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In Kharkiv, employees of the Territorial Recruitment Center "kidnapped" an ATO veteran, – journalist

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In Kharkiv, employees of the Territorial Recruitment Center "kidnapped" an ATO veteran, – journalist
In Kharkiv, employees of the Territorial Recruitment Center "kidnapped" an ATO veteran, – journalist

In Kharkiv, employees of the TRC "took" an ATO veteran who was ready for service, reports local journalist Pavlo Fedosenko.

"Ignoring ’Reserve+’, they forcibly pushed him into a van. Immediately, they took his phone. Then – everything followed the usual scheme: instant Military Medical Commission, lies that ’we don’t have such a person and never had’, absence of records in the journal. The man, who was already ready to serve and had once defended the country, was kidnapped, deprived of communication, and forcibly detained all day in the TRC. Just like cattle. And then everyone is surprised why the mobilized have such a low level of motivation," writes Fedosenko.

Topics: VeteransReserve+MobilizationTRC

Date and time 16 September 2024 г., 10:42     Views Views: 2550
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