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The NACP found unreasonable assets with the deputy head of the Zaporizhzhya regional TRC, Raltsev

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The NACP found unreasonable assets with the deputy head of the Zaporizhzhya regional TRC, Raltsev
The NACP found unreasonable assets with the deputy head of the Zaporizhzhya regional TRC, Raltsev

NAPC has detected unjustified assets and inaccurate data belonging to the deputy head of the Zaporizhzhya regional TRC and SS, head of the recruitment sector, Yuriy Raltsev.

This is indicated in the report on the verification of the declaration of the official for 2023.

NAPC found that Raltsev provided inaccurate data on expenses on January 15, 2023, in the form of a gift of 1.2 million hryvnias to his father. However, he was only able to transfer 363 thousand hryvnias. The commissar did not provide any documentation for the transaction.

As a result of a full inspection of the declaration, signs of unjustified assets amounting to 1.22 million hryvnias were detected in Raltsev. On April 12, 2023, his father, Oleksandr Raltsev, acquired an apartment (50.7 sqm) in a residential complex on the banks of the Dnipro River in Kyiv (10 Mykilsko-Slobidska Street). The property cost 1.99 million hryvnias. The commissar and his relatives explained that the majority of the funds for the payment, namely 1.2 million hryvnias, were transferred by the officer to his father during 2022-2023 (620 thousand hryvnias were received as a social payment due to health conditions). The remainder of 753 thousand hryvnias was their own savings.

According to NAPC, the testimonies of the father and son about the circumstances and dates of the transfer of funds differed. Moreover, Raltsev did not have such an amount of money at that time. The commissar unjustifiably reflected in the declaration for 2022, which he submitted in May of this year, an increase in cash by 620 thousand hryvnias.

Agency experts found that the commissar’s father spent 2.11 million hryvnias to purchase an Audi Q5 (2011) in 2018 for 19.86 thousand hryvnias, as well as a Fiat Fiorino (2011) in November 2022 for 26.98 thousand hryvnias. According to the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice, their cost at the date of acquisition was 737.5 thousand and 235.87 thousand hryvnias, respectively.

In addition, the father purchased a house (57.2 sqm) on 2 Teplokhodna Street in Zaporizhzhya in 2015 for 149 thousand hryvnias. In 2016, he purchased an apartment with an area of 48.9 sqm on 28 General Zhmachenko Street in Kyiv for 417.94 thousand hryvnias. An apartment (41.48 sqm) in Zaporizhzhya on 56 Avtozavodska Street was also acquired for 574.6 thousand hryvnias. The latter was allegedly bought on the basis of a loan in December 2022 from Ihor Mamula.

The smallest violation detected in the official’s record was inaccurate information about the residence address of his daughter. Additionally, he was found to have 242.7 thousand hryvnias received outside of official income from individuals: Yuriy Polulyashenko (head of the Luhansk TRC and SS), Leonid Vykochka (head of the Bucha RTC and SS), and Bohdan Kukovynets and Volodymyr Ishchenko, as well as deposits in self-service terminals. Raltsev explained that this money was used to cover the needs of military personnel.

Thus, the NAPC detected signs of an offense under Part 4 of Article 172-6 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses and signs of unjustified assets belonging to Raltsev. Information has not yet been transmitted to the NABU.

Topics: NABUVolodymyr IshchenkoLeonid VykochkaYuriy PolulyashenkoIhor MamulaTRCDeclarationYuriy RaltsevNACP

Date and time 17 September 2024 г., 09:09     Views Views: 2631
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