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Man killed by grenade explosion in Rivne region

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Man killed by grenade explosion in Rivne region
Man killed by grenade explosion in Rivne region

In the village of Sinov in the Rivne region, a 69-year-old man died in a private house as a result of a grenade explosion. The ammunition exploded in one of the rooms.

The press service of the Main Directorate of the National Police in the Rivne region reported the tragedy. It was stated that the man lived alone. The explosion was heard by neighbors, who called the medics.

Law enforcement officials reported that specialists from the Main Directorate of the National Police’s explosives service removed fragments from the scene indicating the explosion of a grenade of the "RGO" type. All the circumstances of the incident are currently being established, in particular, where the man got the ammunition from and why it exploded.

Currently, investigators have opened criminal proceedings on the fact of premeditated murder (under Part 1 of Article 115) and illegal handling of weapons and ammunition (under Part 1 of Article 263) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

A man died from a grenade explosion in the Rivne region: details of the tragedy qhiddeiqkdiqedant
A man died from a grenade explosion in the Rivne region: details of the tragedy
A man died from a grenade explosion in the Rivne region: details of the tragedy

Topics: GrenadeExplosionRivne

Date and time 09 September 2024 г., 14:35     Views Views: 1915
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